Suet cakes and holders

Squirrel proof birdfeeders



Bluebird houses and Bluebird feeders

WoodLink® cedar birdfeeders



Bluebird Treat and Meal worms

Upside down finch feeders



Squirrel feeders

Droll Yankee® birdfeeders



Squirrel guards for bird feeders

Nature’s Select birdfeeders



Heavy duty poles, shepherd hooks

The Bird Guardian predator guard™



Metal hangers and hooks

Bird food in easy-to-pour & store jugs



Thistle feeders for finches

Bird feeder brushes




Wren houses



Birdbath heaters and heated birdbaths

Peanut Feeders and peanuts



Bird books

Bird CDs



Wood duck houses

Oriole feeders



Bat houses

Flicker house



Screech owl/Kestrel box

Coppertop feeders and birdhouses



Copper weather guards

Window feeders




Hummingbird feeders, nectar,

ant guards and accessories

Nature House Purple Martin houses and accessories

Gift Certificates are

always available

Finest quality bird food

Shop in our Bird Room for the largest selection of quality bird feeders, houses, bird food, and accessories

Bird Products

Wren and chickadee houses

Nyjer Thistle Feeders

for Finches